Impact Snapshot

Dogs, cats, donkeys vaccinated.
In surgical supplies donated to areas of high need.

Local Kenyan veterinarians trained on human surgical standards model for remote areas, high volume sterilization campaigns to carry our work forward.
Dogs & cats
safely sterilized.

Since I graduated from college I had only done about 3 spay and neuter with a colleague and since the Vet Treks instructors gave us a refresher course and took us through a 4 days practical’s on spay and neuter in 2018 November, I have been able to do about 16 operations on my own. Have been able to mentor others and take them through the whole procedures with ease. At the department level, we budgeted for spay and neuter program and enough materials were purchased in 2019/2020 FY where staff could access them and support the community to control breeding of dogs and cats hence reduced population leading to lower incidences of reported rabies cases in humans. Apart from doing surgical operations on pets only, the training gave me confidence to even do surgical operations of sheep and goats with various complications.
~ Dr. Jane Akale Eregae A. DCDVS
Dr. Jane on the right assisted by Dr. Agnes doing surgical operation to a dog that had trauma on the abdomen where visceral organs were exposed.
Since I graduated from 2009, I had not done any spay and neuter but after going through the refresher training on the same by Vet Treks I have been able to do 4 spay and neuter procedures with confidence and I believe this is the best and professional way of controlling rabies in addition to regular vaccination of dogs and cats. Apart from that, have been able to do open castrations of a ram that had some complications.
~ Dr. Simon Logilae, SCVO
Am a private practitioner who benefited in the refresher training that was done in 2018. I had only done about 2 cases of spay and neuter but after the training have been able to do about 22 operations with ease. This has contributed to reduced reported cases of dog bites and rabies incidences. This has also improved my economic income.
~ Dr. Sammy Agui Director Solvet Agro Lodwar
The Vet Trek team gave us a refresher training in 2018 on spay and neuter as a way of controlling rabies through reduced dogs and cats population. Initially I had only done about 5 spay and neuter since I graduated in 2012. Thereafter, I have been able to do 23 operations both gender in cats and dogs. I managed to improve on time taken to complete one procedure since before the training I could take one hour but now I do take 10-20 min when doing the castrations and 30 min while doing spay.
~ Dr. Job Ronoh
Oct 2022
I’m sure you saw on our socials that we just completed our first CPI organised sterilised clinic. We focussed on female dogs as planned and sterilised 47 females but we did not turn away males. Instead, we used it as training for ministry staff who aren’t vets but are permitted to carry out castrations due to the vet shortage – we did 16 of these. That was a total of 63 dogs (plus a mammary strip and some pinnectomies for those awful ear tumors I mentioned. Some of the spays turned out to have already been attempted by locals so the ovaries were floating separate to the uterine remnants, which invariably had pyos. Although numbers were low compared to bigger teams we did this with just myself and one other (non-TNR) vet although we were fortunate to recruit an experienced high volume TNR tech to run induction.
I would like to extend a personal thanks to you and all of the Vet Treks team. It was only through attending Vet Treks, your lectures, seeing your set up, budget, GA protocol and improving my surgical skills and confidence that it was possible for me to organize and carry out this program. I now feel confident we can continue with biannual programs, and it really did start with you guys.
Thank you so much for inviting me, welcoming me and having the patience to teach me.
~ Dr. Becca Dobinson